Monday, August 11, 2008
final year - five minutes of orkut(contemplating on deleting that account) and places.. no discussion.. no place in the near by area has been left unvisited
first year - couldnt wait for the clock to strike one of clock( the watchman goes to the canteen to have his lunch then) to pick up the bag and run away from the college( litearlly... we used to run past the gate and hop inside an auto)
final year - the count of watchmen have been increased from one to five and its highly impossible to go past all five of them with your bag,etc,etc...
first year - coffee shop!! that one word was enough to get us motivated .. we even used to compare the cold chocolate to the one in ccd.. and all of us used to land up in deep slumber after the tea break( PS: one of my frnd even went to the extent of suspecting drugs in the milkshake)
final year - cold chocolate ah.. no way hot cuppa chai sounds better... so we head to the canteen nowadays!!
first year- the ' GANG' actually ragged a senior jus because he claimed that he possessed the only green colored bike in the college..
final year - the same gang finds none of the junior fit enough to be ragged... lol...
first year- there was no confusion in this.. everybody was senior to us and invariable became" anna" (PS: we werent friendly to a single akka ..)
final year - there is stil no confusion.. everybody is junior to us and not even a single guy to call anna ( PS: we are still not friendly with the junior gals.. something to do with the gal clan i guess)
first year- cried on failing in physics mid sem by a matter of 3 marks
final year- rolled on the floor seeing single digit marks in all 6 subjects( PS: friend of mine reckons that even if i total all the marks, it wudnt cross the pass mark of fifty)
and the list continues........
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
1)sitting in the pavements of bessi in the evening.. preferably with sundal or bajjis...PS:u can even get ur hand read by the gypsies but i guarantee you they lie big time..
2) going on a long drive in the ecr and finally landing up at muthukadu for a ride.. PS: pay the boat guy 50 bucks extra he wud take u near the mouth where the sea meets the backwaters..
3)am not a big fan of mahabs but i guess first timers can appreciate the carvings.. iw ould rather recommend tiger caves which is approx 50 kms from chennai for it serendipity and the caves
4)how can anyone forget namma spencers.. a place where u can easily while away 4-5 hours without even realising it and it is easy on your pockets too!! PS: make sure u r wearing ur shoes.. i normally end up with terrible pain due to my slippers..
5)the small table in the right most corner of citi centre ground floor.. there is nothng special abt this place other than the fact that u can hav an eye on everybody who is walkin in and out and the artificial tree does provide a good cover!!
6)sterling road.. i luv ths road for its trees and nice atmosphere.. it wont cost u a dime to go for a walk in the night or early in the morning...
7)khader nawaz khan road(near ispahani).. this place is only for big shots and the reason why ths place finds a mention in this list is that u get nice exercise for your eyes at any time of teh day( hope u understood wat i meant :P)
8)CIT colony.. this place has got fabulous surroundings and this place holds a special place in my heart as this is where i met with an accident for the first time...( ya , i stil have the mark on ym hand..)
9)ascendas( tidel park).. reason: sheer size! the whole size of the food court( it is known for its football field sized courts) is sure to intimidate you.. you get awesome variety of food...
10)sathyam cinemas- this is one place where i dont mind shelling out 120 or so bucks for a movie cause of its ambience,seats(ya i luv to sleep in them) and the pop corn toppings( heard they hav changed the entry to the theatre.. the entry is now through whites road and the exit through the normal entry way)
PS: this is just a random collection and the serial number does not denote the rating..
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
jaane tu - picture perfect
Sunday, July 6, 2008
pleasures in life( platonic) ;)
1) racing all the bikes when the signal turns green
2) eating strawberry liip balm when bored!
3) smsing everybody" heh wassup?" jus for the heck of it and nt replying bk for any of the replies.. hee
4)beating my bro in eating road side paani pooris..
5) sight adichifying the quant sir and giggling in class with gal pallies...
6) inspiring other gals also to bunk so that if caught, i wil hav some company :P
7)dreaming of dating brad pitt and hoping of ending up with vadivel.. ha ha!!
8)watching kkhh for the nth time and pretending as if am seeing it for the first time..
9)seeing my name on the notice board for bunking more than ten days..and realising it nly when i was made to stand outside the princi's room for bunking on the eleventh day.. :)
10) stuffing the bag inside the bike and claiming to have come to college at 8 itself to the pt sir!( ya, i do go in the lunch break to retrieve my bag)
11) listening to my mum scream about how i should dress and how i should behave like a girl( ya, it sometimes gets on my nerve)
12) the mere sight of my sem books gives me so much pleasure and satisfaction that i've come to the seventh sem!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
if you live your own life, you are selfish
if you dont gossip, you are a recluse
if you dont change for them, you have an attitude
if you dont bad mouth about anybody, you become the hottest topic
whatever you do meets with criticism and in the end, you have to just be them to be good or you are forever an outcaste...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
am back ;)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
four down, two more to go!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
tagged ;)
well this one is from mutta kannu.. and here it goes.. a sheet outta my personal diary ;)
1) Last movie you saw in a theatre?
i saw this dumb movie yarade nee mohini climax is pathetic..
2) What book are you reading?
currently frederick forsyth's the afghan ....
3) favourite board game?
one thing which is hate to the core is Chess , u need to use too much of ur brain... . Yeah, I love "business"... it gives me cheap thrill in picturising myself as an entrepreneur
4) Favorite magazine?
i dont read that many magazines.. jus those which my mum reads.. filmfare, cineblitz,india today and the week.. ya i dont read tamil ones as i cant read that well though i like to see surya's pics in them.
5) Favorite smells?
* Smell of kerosene,naphthalene balls & petrol
* Smell of davidoff (man, trully heaven!!)
* Smell of my moisturiser..
6) Favorite thing to do in weekend?
Sleeping long,long hours and hanging out at barista juxteposed between my time classes
7) Worst feeling in the world?
* Knowing that you like someone and that person not knwoing about it( yeah.. pheelings!! :( )
* when people scream at you for things for which you were no way responsible for
8)What is the first thing you think of when u wakeup?
Should I really need to go to college today?( ya, am echoing mutta kannu's view here)
9) Favorite fast food place?
i like gangotree as i absolutely go crazy over chaat..
10) Future child’s name?
child ah... grrr i hate children... they are nice to look at when they are someon else's...
11)finish this statement --- 'If I had a lot of money'
i would buy that fourteenth floor apartment on ECR and furnish it with the best antiques( i like interior designing too )
12) Do you drive fast?
Yeah... always... luv the breeze hittin on my face
13) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
lol.. nope.. i sleep with stuffed pillows and over stuffed stomach.. hee
14) Storms -- Cool or Scary?
cool when you are in your bed cuddled up with a cup of hot chocolate.. scary when you have to drive somewhere on the water-logged roads...
15) What was your first car?
i dont personally own a car but i avail the services of my dad's car( :P). the first car as in, which comes to my mind first is BMW
16) Favorite drink?
hot chocolate, coffee,lassi and grape juice.
17) Finish this statement --- If i had the time i would...
go to all the IPL matches and postpone my study hours...
18) Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
I don't eat broccoli itself... i hate it esp. in the chinese cuisine.
19) If you could dye your hair any other color, what would be your choice?
i guess burgundy.. it looks good with my kinda colour..
20) Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in?I
t starts with my favorite place bangalore( because of certain pheelings.. lol),manali( the weather and snow ),kochi( back waters and the scenic beaches),delhi( shopping.. phew!! wil i ever get bored of that), trichy( i like kaveri...) .
21) Favorite sports to watch?
* football
* Formula one
* Tennis( i like andy roddick )
22) One information about the person who sent this to you?
About mutta kannu... he finds marriage scary... am sure u wilk get married in a year or two.. all the besht!!
23) What’s under your bed?
two globus covers and one file
24) Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Of course... i luuuuv myself!!
25) Morning person or night owl?
hundred percent mid night masala creature.. cant wake up early !!!
26) Over easy or sunny side up?
27) Favorite place to relax?
my bed,lying on the water tank in the fourth floor.. i like starin at the sky
28) Favorite pie?
i hate pies.
29) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Chocolate... butter scotch with nuts and natural orange
30) Of all the people you have tagged, who is the most likely to respond first?
no clue.. i have a feeling who over is most vetti in office will do!
actually am not in a mood to tag someone.. so poyachu ponga!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
gourmet's taste
1) dark temptation(barista)- this is one must have.. warm chocolate cake with cream and vanilla ice cream with dollops of chocolate sauce.
2)chocolate fantasy(ccd)- this one is similar to dark temptation but i feel the qty is lesser in ccd.
3) golden baskets(cascade-chinse restaurant)- this is a veg. starter . its got vegetables stuffed in a fried little basket... tastes really yummy!!
4)strawberry milkshake(gangotree)- this is absolutely so creamy and yummy that its a must have PS- the one in cathedral road is better than the t nagar branch..:p
5)singapore spicy noodles(noodle house)- this is good for a quick bite but i feel i can make the same at home itself...wil post the recipe in another post :)
6) veg. sandwich( the stall outside alsa mall)- this is simply superb because its very much road side kaiyendi bhavan and it tastes so good!!
7)frankies(gopalapuram nilgiri's outlet opp) this is basically a roti with sabji in it.. it costs 35 bucks and fills the stomach immediately!! hee...
8) last but not the least, try to go to nanganallur anjaneya temple in the evening.. u get tasty pongal.. this surely cannot be compared to anything... after all, i am god fearing!!
PS- if you try some of these and dont like it, am not to be blamed!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
metaphorical stance

i woke up sobbing and rushed to my window to have a glimpse of my "castle".. yes, it was very safe next to my rose bush with even a flower next to one of my minaret. i sighed in sheer happiness.
Monday, April 7, 2008
ritchi street chaos!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
ten things which i am hoping to accomplish
1) first and foremost , clean my room.. i have been hoping to achieve this for the past one year and i feel takin up CAT is easier!
2) attending the classes regularly and importantly,listening to the lecturer and taking notes( no messaging and writing obsi)
3) take care of my mobile and not drop it often... seriously, 6630 rocks!! non-breakable
4)start studying for the sem which is jus round the corner.
5) have a cordial relationship with everybody in class(hopeless after three futile years)
6) control my temper and not fly off the handel at the slightest provocation
7) MILk... i should somehow start drinking milk as i am pretty scared of osteoporosis now :(
8)somehow get hold of first day first show tickets for varnam-aayiram or ayan whichever is first to hit the screen ... after all, surya is more important...
9)reduce my shopping expenditure and somehow convince myself to think that i have enough clothes to wear, enough slippers, enough handbags.......
10)grrr.. i cant think of any tenth thing for accomplishing... should i change the title??