sometimes we get sad when a person close to us decides to move away or is bound by the fangs of life which makes he/she move away ...missing the other person starts even when she hasnt really moved out of the life as yet.. i am one of those persons who sits and preaches saying distance doesnt matter and it still is possible to stay in contact with any person across the globe... the point of differentiation comes when i realise that staying in contact and really being there for your friend. some people dole out philosophies saying when you lose something, it just means you will get a replacement of the same kind in the near future.. when you lose a friends, u will get another one in the new place or someone whom you would have never considered before might become closer to you..in times like this, it would be better to concentrate on what we really want in life.. the beautiful nest with small birds at the top of the tree or the branches and twigs which helped us in reaching the nest..if you become attached to the branch, you will never reach the nest for the fear of leaving the branch behind.. does it mean you are opportunistic or does it mean you forget people who have helped you at some point of life? nope, it just means you have a far more purposeful goal in your life and those who have helped you would be more happy to see you achieve yours than to see your failure due to the impedement caused by them...when you are in near the nest, you obviously have the whole tree to yourself.. its like eating the cake and having it too.. its about deciding when to stop eating and start keeping it...people who understand this would not shed their twigs due to sorrow but would be like the eternal spring,full of bloom and joy...only when you are alone, you realise how nice it is to be alone.. this realisation doesnt make you a lesser socialite or a recluse.. it means something... you are at peace with yourself...
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